Sakura (桜, 櫻)
Sakura (桜,樱) along with chrysanthemums, the Japanese national flower that blooms in spring, which is about the beginning of April until the end of April.
Sakura can be seen everywhere in Japan, shown in a wide range of consumer goods, including kimono, stationery, and kitchen equipment.
For the Japanese, the cherry is an important symbol, which is often associated with women, life, death, and also a symbol for human bond mengeksperesikan, courage, sadness, and joy. Sakura is also a metaphor for characteristics that are not eternal life.
CAN cherry blossoms grow in INDONESIA?
To see the Sakura flower bloom, Indonesian people are now having to travel to Japan because it can directly come to the Cibodas Botanical Garden in the Cianjur regency of West Java Province, three hours drive from Jakarta.
There, Sakura Park has been built since 16 April 2007, which contains 400 Sakura trees are planted in an area of 5000 square meters with a height of 1400 meters above sea level.
And now the cherry tree flowers in Kebon Raya Cibodas bloom and is expected to end in early February.
Tree Sakura Sakura Park collection average age between 4 to 5 years with a tree height of 3 to 5 meters.
Sakura tree in bloom Cibodas Botanical Gardens twice a year between the months of January to February and between the months of August-September, but for the flowering time was not yet stable.
jarnee Says:
very good posting..
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Posted on 21 Oktober 2009 pukul 07.11